SecurinG IOT from THE bottom up
Until now, companies would only discover that their IoT and NOT were compromised after the fact, once the damage was done.
Through Visentry's command and control center, we are able to offer proactive solutions through the Terafence product suite with 24/7/365 monitoring. This service is first of its kind, protect against malicious cyber attack.
Protect against malicious entry while allowing outflow of data and assets operation as intended​
Segmentation and monitoring of all connected devices​
"Smart processor" wise for IoT devices and prevent hackers activities, no network access to device/s.​
Innovative and secure enabler of data flow direction - "smart wire"
The rapid adoption of IoT/NoT applications and devices brings new dimensions of vulnerability to cyber attacks on building management systems (BMS), industrial and similar critical infrastructure. Unprotected systems may lead to substantial physical, reputational and economic damage. Due to their fundamental importance and insecure nature, TCP/IP protocols are commonly used as the vector of attacks.
Visentry through the use of Terafence Vsecure puts an end to the risk of IoT/NoT devices being used for TCP/IP-based attacks, preventing non-authorized viewing of RTSP and other video streams. Hack-proof physical and logical layer isolation. Visentry uses advanced isolation architecture to secure network segments, such as IP-camera, Vsecure denies hackers from gaining access to IoT devices by restricting outbound traffic from existing network devices preventing their use for cyber attacks.

How it works
Terafence physicial device is placed between network segments of different classification and allows data to follow according to the application requirements. Once a direction is set, the return path simply doesn't exist.
The Product
Through our implementation of Terafence expert products, Visentry provides the leading solutions to protect your systems from all vulnerabilities. Our current product suite consists of two very sophisticated platforms, easily adaptable to your needs.
TerAfEnce Vsecure
Protect IoT/NoT devices from TCP/IP-based attacks
The rapid adoption of IoT/NoT applications and devices brings new dimensions of vulnerability to cyber attacks on building management systems (BMS), industrial and similar critical infrastructure. Unprotected systems may lead to substantial physical, reputational and economic damage. Due to their fundamental importance and insecure nature, TCP/IP protocols are commonly used as the vector of attacks. Vsecure puts an end to the risk of IoT/NoT devices being used for TCP/IP-based attacks, preventing non-authorized viewing of RTSP and other video streams.

TerAfence MBsecure
MBsecure gateway provides full Modbus protocol visibility to the HMI application server without physical access to the PLC. Through securing SCADA Modbus, protecting networks with disparate security levels, and hack-proof PLC-HMI isolation this solution provides robust protection